Sunday, March 23, 2008

Springtime Revoked

This week we have been in the midst of Springtime. Our clocks changed to daylight saving two weekends ago and we have enjoyed longer evenings and even more sunshine. Here is Phantom on the front deck.

Both the picture above and the one below were taken on Good Friday at 6pm in the evening. Here we are having a relaxing drink on the deck, having been snapped by the self timer on the camera before we were ready! We wondered if anyone could come up with a funny caption for this photo and we would publish the winning caption next week?
Here is our entry "Snow on Easter Sunday - get away!"

However, just 48 hours later we had the biggest snow storm ever. Sunday morning we awoke to a light dusting of 1cm in town which could only mean one thing a POWDER ALERT at the ski hill. We weren't disappointed either there was easily 15cm (6") of fresh snow on the pistes. We had a great Whitewater day enjoying the snow. On the way home we managed to get a photo of the snow plough going back in to town. This is on the road from Salmo to Nelson which goes along the valley bottom from the ski hill road.
We have had some catastrophic Easter Monday holiday bad news - here in Canada they don't get the Bank Holiday which means it is a normal working day. We couldn't believe it! But don't feel too sorry for us as we do get other Bank Holidays instead and don't worry we shall certainly let you know when they are!

Going back to the theme of Phantom my little household helper we caught a photo of him sat in our recycle box, we can only assume that he had been down to the garage to sort the recycling items ready for the trip to the depot.

We understand from our reporters in Yorkshire that you have also had some snow over Easter.

Well that is all for this week, we hope you had a Happy Easter.

Love Rachael, Shaun, Harley and Phantom