Sunday, March 16, 2008

Daddies Favourite

This week we have seen the snow melt continue in town. We can now see our garden and all the plants that disappeared around November time reappearing as if by magic. There are daffodils and crocuses in folks' gardens and we are just awaiting our tulips to pop out.
It is almost one whole year since we came over to Nelson to check out a few properties and first saw our home and it had the most colourful tulips in the garden so we are looking forward to seeing them again this year.
On the topic of spring flowers, if anyone manages to snap a photo of the crocuses, daffs or tulips in any of our old haunts please send them through to us.

We have had a busy weekend hosting our first visitors to Nelson. We have skied both Saturday and Sunday and really enjoyed showing The Tooths our little ski hill, the sights of Nelson, more ski hill and lots of snow!

During the past week we have been praying to the snow gods for some fresh snow for when The Tooths arrived. Well, on Friday evening our prayers were answered and overnight and during Saturday we had 14 cm followed by 6 cm over night on Saturday.
We really enjoyed watching the look on their faces as our visitors floated down the slopes in powder snow with huge smiles - that is what the snow is all about here in BC!
Here is a photo of the happy (and we all agreed somewhat tired) gang finishing up on Sunday afternoon.

We must say a big thank you to them for bringing a second batch of emergency rations from England. This included shower gel for Rachael and shaving cream for Shaun that we had missed over the last 9 months as Shopper's Drug Mart just isn't the same as Boots the Chemist! Also a special thank you from Shaun for the perfect accompanyment to a bacon butty - the bottle of Daddies brown sauce! Hurrah!

Safe trip home guys, we look forward to seeing you again very soon.

Harley and Phantom have been enjoying the sights and sounds of their first Springtime. Here they are sat on the back deck watching the little birds in the garden. You will notice the red mouse in the foreground, don't worry this is not some weird Canadian mouse breed it is actually a felt material catnip mouse from the supermarket. Now the snow is melting we seem to have about a dozen of them in the garden!

Well that is all for this week and as always we look forward to hearing from you.

Love Harley, Phantom,Rachael and Shaun xx