Saturday, March 29, 2008

Maybe We Should Stop The Snowdance?

No way!
This week we have had even more snow. There has been 15cm at the ski hill over the past three days and whilst we were there today it snowed all day.
Locals keep telling us that this is unusual to have so much snow now we are almost into April but they seem to be blaming us for doing our Snowdance to the Snowgods! This season has been great for skiing and boarding, Rachael has just reached her 50th day on the hill and we still have a week left.

This photo was taken after the Avalanche Team had bombed the ridge this week after discovering a dangerous section in the basin. The Team bomb the area so that they can control where and when the slides happen to keep us safe.
There has been more baking activities this week. Here are Rachael's loaves (notice the Yorkshire Tea tea towel) and also her apple and raspberry crumble.

We are only submitting a short blog this week as it is Rachael's birthday and we are off out on the town this evening then having another day out at the ski hill tomorrow (Sunday) for Retro Ski Day where you have to wear something retro - we wonder if anyone has got a spare fluorescent all-in-one ski rompersuit from the 80's ?

We shall write more next week and also share with you the winners of the caption competition from last weeks blog.

Have a good one!

Harley, Phantom, Shaun & Rachael