Sunday, March 2, 2008

NWN Photographer Goes Moonlighting

You may remember this photograph appeared on last weeks blog from the Coldsmoke Powder Festival well this week our very own Photographer turned semi-pro had this spectacular picture accepted by our local newspaper for a story they were running. Not only was it accepted but it was featured on the front page - unlike the Nelson Weekly News Blog here - he was paid too!

It was very strange to see his work in print and when I went to the newspaper office to pick up our complimentary copies the lady on the desk asked if the photographer had taken a picture of me! Well I had to admit that it wasn't me - yellow is just not my colour and I can't ski either although I can do a very good 'snow-plough'. We saw the guy in this picture at the ski hill on Saturday he was with his friends doing more jumps and tricks, he can certainly ski very quickly going backwards too.

Here is a picture taken whilst we were having a rest at the top of the Summit lift. It was sunny and warm - perfect for a mid-day snooze!

The weather has been quite warm this week and we have seen temperatures in town reach about 10 degrees and about 2 degrees at the ski hill. The big melt is now on around town as almost all the snow has disappeared. The roads are still covered in salt and sand and it won't be long before the road cleaning wagons are out to take it away to recycle for next year.
We managed to get to the ski hill on Saturday and had an excellent time as there had been 11cm of snow overnight so it was back to surfing the snow again.

Those were the highlights of this week. Other than that we have been busy sorting out our tax returns which started out as a very tedious form filling exercise which then developed into a nightmare having only spent half the Canadian 2007 tax year in the country things started to get very complicated. However, we were rescued by a very nice lady at one of the local tax offices who went through all our information and has sent off our returns for us. Apparently next year we can file our returns on-line so it will be a whole lot easier!
The story of Phantom 'the household helper' continues, he was caught here having managed to hang out the washing on the clothes stand -

-whilst Harley, not to be out done by his little brother assessed the garden for avalanche risk following the recent thaw!

****NEWS FLASH****Monday 3rd March 09.10****NEWS FLASH****NEWS FLASH****

We have had 4 inches of snow in the last couple of hours in town so I am off to the ski hill to see how much has fallen there. Bye for now. Must dash. Off to practice for the 2010 Winter Olympics.

Love Rachael, Shaun, Phantom & Harley
