Monday, September 3, 2007

Writing the theory driving test

Its been a busy week here in Nelson with a stressful event that took place for us both on wednesday - we took the theory part of our BC drivers licence test and luckily we both passed.

There wasn't such a thing as a written test when we did our lessons many years ago so it was a bit of a worry really. There are a couple of example online tests click here to have a go. The only problem seems to occur with the 'red herring' type questions that seem to have at least two correct answers! See how you do. So we have passed the first step and now need to wait for our practical which isn't booked until late october - hopefully before the real snow arrives.

It was our 10th wedding anniversary on thursday and we went in to town to a lovely restaurant called Cafe Kas. This cafe has a different slant on the whole eating experience and instead of choosing what you fancy from a set menu the chef asks you 'what don't you like' and then prepares a starter, main and pudding to suit your tastes - all for just $30 each (£14).

It's the first time we have ever had cooked romaine lettuce in a caesar sauce but it was really nice, along with warm brie and garlic bread cubes for starter. Then we had a platter of chicken, duck and lamb with veggies and rice with a delicious white chocolate icecream and chocolate brownie for pudding - yum!

The weather report here we are still having hot weather although it is now a more manageable 25 degrees during the day but we had the most tremendous lightening storm on friday which was great to see from the house - and we remembered to turn off our wireless router as last time we had a lightening storm at Offley Place the house was struck and the router got fried down the telephone lines!

Today has been a Bank Holiday here - its called Labour Day - BC gives a holiday to all workers to say thank you for all the hard work we do, so we have spent the day relaxing and whilst Rachael has done some gardening Shaun has been trying to catalogue all his stock photos on the PC.
You may be interested to hear that this week Shaun has been contacted by a publishing company in America who are doing a travel guide on Sheffield to ask if they can use one of his pictures in the publication - he has ok'd it and we shall await more news and attach you a link.

Well finally I was wondering what photo I could attach to this weeks blog - didn't really think you would want to see a picture of Rachael jet washing the decks - got vibration white finger it took so long to do - so I headed off down to the supermarket to take a picture of the view from their parking lot for you to enjoy - see above.

Looking forward to hearing your news and we especially love receiving your pictures too.

Catch up next week

Rachael, Shaun, Phantom & Harley
