Sunday, September 30, 2007

Brushed my hair with a stick of dynamite

This week we have collected our season passes for the Ski Hill. The photos may have been a little more flattering.
One of our friends over here said when he saw the picture on my ski pass "did you brush your hair with a stick of dynamite?" We think it may be the Canadian way of saying "a bad hair day" - Shaun was quite disappointed that he didn't say the same about his ski picture.

We have received some excellent entries for the summer photo competition remember the closing date is 5th October so you still have time to be included. The winner will be featured in next week's Nelson Weekly News.

Today we have been for a hike - in the rain - to Kokanee Creek Provincial Park which is about 8 miles up the lake from Nelson. It was a beautiful park set on the lake we have included a picture for you. As you can probably see from the mist in the pic the weather has turned a bit chilly and we have now fired up the furnace and put the heating on. We have forced-air heating which has so far proved to be very efficient at heating up the house very quickly and seems very good at keeping the house warm. The cats also seem to be very good at finding the heating vents to sit on!

So, what else have we been up to this week?

We met up with a couple of expats from Ireland who contacted us via the British Expats website who have just emigrated to Creston which is about an hour away from Nelson. They came over to Nelson on Saturday and we went for coffee and a chat, which was nice. To get from Creston to Nelson you have to drive over the Kootenay Pass (elevation: 1770 metre) which often gets blocked during the winter - well apparently there was snow up there already! You can see the BC Highway Cam here, which is always worth checking-out before heading this way from Calgary. If the pass is closed the preferred alternative is to take the ferry from the east shore of the lake at Kootenay Bay over to Balfour on the west side. It will add approximately an hour to your journey but it is always open!

On saturday evening we made a meal for a couple of friends and we introduced them to some recipes by Delia Smith and Jamie Oliver. In return they introduced us to the Turbo Edition of Cranium.

Rachael has also had a very interesting week at work - on Friday I met one of the original cast of Star Trek. He starred along side William Shatner and now lives here in Nelson. The only problem is that I have forgotten his name so will try to find out again and let you all know who it is.

This week we are embarking on our new evening classes as artisans - Shaun is taking a pottery course and I am taking an introduction to jewellery making, both at the Kootenay School of Art at Selkirk College.

Just to say that Harley & Phantom are very well and growing quickly. Harley is still catching mice and Phantom seems happy just bringing home yellow and orange leaves!

Hope to hear from you soon
Love Rachael, Shaun, Phantom and Harley xx