Monday, September 10, 2007

The Road Kings Cruise

This week has been quite busy in Nelson as the city has hosted the annual Road Kings Queen City Cruise. We had heard about it before but never realised how big it would be. The friday night events started off with a drive through town from the orange bridge along Baker Street and along to the airfield. We got a great view on Baker Street to watch around 100 vintage, classic and various hot rod type vehicles cruise. To learn more click this link to the official website.

After the cruise everyone headed to the airfield for the 'Burn Out' which was really good to watch especially as one guy had put special tyres on his truck which burnt red smoke when they were hot - check the picture.

Saturday started early for Shaun as he was back into town at 8.30am ready for the 'Show and Shine' event which saw Baker Street closed off to traffic and there were some 400 cars on show. It was a brilliant day and we saw some beautifully kept and restored cars and trucks ranging from 1930's through to now. We think that most of Nelson's residents were there along with lots of car buffs from America. I think George would have fitted in well now that Dad has finished renovating him and he is back on the road - although I think he would have needed his own category - 'small and now perfectly formed' !
Shaun took about 500 pictures! There are a few pictures if you click here on his flickr site. Hope you get a feel for the day.

We have enrolled for evening classes - we are going to be attending Kootenay Art School starting in October - Shaun is taking Pottery and Rachael is taking Jewellery Making, we shall let you know how we get on.

For the next two weeks we are house sitting for our next door neighbours as they have headed away to the Maritimes for a holiday. We also had a visit from another neighbour this week who brought us some home produce - peaches, pears and tomatoes - they were very tasty!

Rachael is off to America on saturday to a place called Spokane which is 2 hours away by car - its the place to go to do serious shopping. My friend from work invited me and I am afraid the temptation of a bit of a spend is just too much to resist!
The weird thing is that I will need to take out travel insurance for the day to cover any medical costs if I have an accident whilst there - it will be $16 (£7) for the day - this will be covered by my work policy when I have been in post 3 months as my boss picks up the additional medical cover costs annually on top of our BC medical services plan (like the nhs).

Rachael has started to do some vision testing at work on real life patients, I now do the visual field tests in the office which is quite fun.

We have now been in the house for almost 3 months and have only just discovered something very strange about our oven / microwave - it has a built in voice messaging system!!?
You can press a button to record a voice message to save then at a specified time get the message played - weird! Another strange thing we have found is that when we receive telephone calls the callers name and number are displayed across the TV!!

The kittens are well, Phantom's latest habit is to bring leaves into the house from the garden - he only brings yellow or red ones so I guess that as Fall is on its way we may end up with a house full of autumn coloured leaves. Much easier to deal with than mices.

The weather here is still warm during the day - about 23 degrees but is getting quite cool at night. Think we might need to think about testing the heating system before we actually need it in case we need to get someone in.

That's it for this week - as always we hope you enjoy reading our news - and we love getting yours in return.

Catch up soon
Love Harley, Phantom, Shaun & Rachaelxx