Sunday, September 23, 2007

NWN Summer Photo Competition 2007

It is certainly getting cooler here now - we are down to about 2 degrees at night and 14 degrees during the day. Very different to three weeks ago when we were still getting temperatures of 30 degrees. It rains here in Canada too!
But before the summer comes to an end we would like to announce the Nelson Weekly News Photo Competition. We would like you to submit your favourite or funniest photo from your summer. The winner to be judged by our Photo Editor will win a box of Nelson Brewing Company Beer and their photograph published in the blog on Thanksgiving weekend - 7th October.
We know there are some budding photographers out there so show us your best pictures.

In preparation for the driving tests Rachael has been on a driving lesson around Nelson. It was quite an experience as my last lesson was in 1989. The driving in Canada has some differences to the UK, the most notable is they drive on the other side of the road and also the shoulder checks. Whenever you indicate to make a move or change lanes or turn you have to not only check your mirrors but also look over the shoulder as well. This is to double check the blind spot and also check for cyclists as apparently there are a lot of accidents with cyclists in BC when cars are turning right and don't look properly. You can also turn right at red lights if the junction is clear to do so, or even left on red into a one way street. They also expect you to point your tyres towards the curb when you have parked unless you are facing up hill in which case you point them away from the curb. The speed limit is 30km/h near schools, 8am to 5pm, during term times and 30km/h near any playgrounds at any time.
During the test you have to do a three point turn and also parallel parking - which hopefully will be ok as our car has parking sensors! Here is a picture of our car for those of you who haven't seen him yet - he is called Clive as the registration that Shaun chose is 701 CLV. Oh and by the way I haven't grown to ten feet tall - I am stood on the running boards! The photo was taken en-toute from Vancouver as we passed through the southern part of the Okanagan Valley which is British Columbia's wine-making region, the lake in the background is Osoyoos Lake and we travelled over the mountains via Highway 3 known locally as Crowsnest Highway.
Our driving tests aren't for a while yet so we are practising our driving but we shall let you know how we get along.

We made a great discovery whilst at the BC Liquor store this week that they actually stock Hendrick's Gin which is handcrafted, distilled and bottled in Glasgow. For those of you who enjoy a little tipple we first tried it at The Mill Bank in Triangle, Halifax and really enjoyed it but had been unable to find it in any stores locally - however, we moved 5000 miles away and found it. We also met another expat working in the store - they are everywhere it seems.

We have been contacted by a couple from Southern Ireland who have moved to Creston which is about an hour away from Nelson via the British Expat website, they wanted to meet up to chat about the area as they have only been here two weeks and guess they fancied some UK chat. So we are meeting up next saturday for a coffee and a muffin at our favourite coffee house Oso Negro here in town, where they also roast their own coffee. Our favourite roast is called the Princess of Darkness.

And that is all we have been doing this week, Rachael has started decorating the spare bedroom from a cold pale blue colour to a warmer linen colour, whilst enjoying half time work at the Optometrist's office. We are buying our season passes for the ski hill this week and looking forward to our first whole season on snow which will start on 1st December. Our local ski hill is called Whitewater which is 20 minutes from the house to the ski lift. Check out their website here, they have some of the best snow in BC.

We look forward to your photo competition entries before the closing date of 5th October,
Take care
Rachael, Shaun, Phantom & Harley