We heard that some of the stores and offices in town have a policy for employees where if there is 'a powder day' of more than 20cm they don't need to turn into work until 12pm - how cool is that? Unfortunately our offices don't have that policy - but it will certainly be suggested!
We spent New Years Day on a very quiet ski hill - we think many folks took the day off skiing and were probably nursing hangovers. There were no line-ups at the lifts and the weather was beautifully clear although quite cold for The Kootenays at about -11 degrees C.
Over the weekend we have experienced a bit of a thaw, with temperatures in town at about +3 degrees C during the day. Some of the snow has melted and we have had the snow plough/digger come along and remove some of the huge piles of snow that had accumulated at the sides of the road so that two cars can pass again on the road.
Whilst at Whitewater we purchased their famous Whitewater Cooks cook book. It is written by Shelley Adams who is co-owner of the Whitewater Winter Resort and is the manager of the Fresh Tracks Cafe which is based in the Lodge. All the recipes are those which appear on the menu at the Cafe and our favourite is the Whitewater Granola Bars which are heavenly! If you are interested in the recipe give us a shout and we can share it with you. It goes perfectly with a large mug of hot chocolate - yum!