Sunday, December 30, 2007

The 2007 Round Up

Welcome to our photo review of 2007. As you can imagine it has been a busy year for us and we wanted to share a few of our favourite places with you captured in our photos. We hope you enjoy our resume.

A photo from Stanage End in The Peak District showing an old unused mill wheel from a bygone era where we spent many hours hiking and climbing.

The first snow of 2007 in Derbyshire allowed Fergus the Freelander to test the much beloved 4 wheel drive. Fergus is shown here in the snow at The Robin Hood Inn's car park in Derbyshire, providing good practice for the Canadian winters.
Followed by a picture of Offley Place, our home for 18 months in Derbyshire.

Having unseasonably warm weather for the time of year allowed us to spend more time at Stanage and Curbar Edges - our favourite climbing haunts.

Much to his dismay, the photo editor said au revoir to his sports car - boo hoo!

The international shipping company came to pack our belongings for export to Canada - luckily no chickens were packed by mistake (see the little guy bottom left!)

We had our leaving parties with friends and family.

After finally arriving in Canada on 24th June and making our way from Vancouver to Nelson on 29th June, we waited 10 days before our shipping container arrived in Nelson after a three week trip from England to Montreal, travelled across Canada on a train to Vancouver to clear customs then it was transported back across to Nelson by truck. The truck driver had to reverse almost the whole length of View St to reach our house.

We also adopted our kittens from the BC SPCA - Harley & Phantom, needless to say they no longer look this tiny and rarely look this angelic.

We hiked up to the foot of Kokanee glacier, the photo shows the news editor striking out across alpine meadows.

We settled in to our new home and tried to get used to the heat of Canadian summers with temperatures up to 40 degrees Celsius.

Even the Lakeside Park was being watered as it was so hot and dry.

The view of Kootenay Lake from the beach at Kaslo looked as beautiful as ever, we have spent many hours here enjoying the peace and quiet.

Towards the end of the month the trees started to turn colour with autumn fast approaching.

Lakeside Park just starting to show some Autumn colours.

The photo editor continued to commute to work on his bike, taking the scenic route on this occasion but adding an extra 3 minutes to his journey time - taking him a whole 6 minutes to get to work.

The weather was still mainly sunny but it was getting noticeably colder.

The snow arrived.

We even enjoyed running on the beach in the snow on Christmas Day!

Here is a final picture of your Nelson Weekly News Editor and Photographer showing Castle Mountain in Banff National Park taken just last week on our road trip to Alberta to see our friends Mr and Mrs Tooth.

We wish you a very happy new year and best wishes for 2008.
We hope you continue to enjoy our blogs and we look forward to catching up with all your news from over the festive period very soon.
Love Rachael, Shaun, Phantom & Harley Davidson