This week we decided to make one of our favourite dishes for dinner this week, a lamb and chickpea curry. One of the ingredients was fresh corriander. Off to the store we went only to discover there was no corriander. However on closer investigation of the fresh herb selection we realised that they call it
cilantro which comes from the Spanish name for the plant.

Here is a picture taken by the Editor on one of her mid-week visits to the ski hill. This was taken from the top of the Silver King lift at about 9.30am. The temperature was -13 degrees C. At the moment we are having a cold snap. According to the local newspaper on Monday, we had the coldest day of the year to date in Nelson, at -15 degrees C. Although it was highlighted that the record coldest January day temperature was 29 years ago at -26 degrees C! However, over in the prairie provinces of Manitoba and Saskatchewan, the temperatures are regularly about -40 degrees C at this time of year.

Above is a picture of the queues or line-ups as they are called in Canada, that we have during the week for the lifts at the hill. In our experience, this is a far cry from the lift queues at other ski resorts such as Lake Louise and Sunshine in The Rockies. Saturday and Sunday obviously get busier when all the 'weekend warriors' come out to play. Our final Canadianism of the week comes from one of our friends we regularly see at the hill. He calls us the 'crack-o-nooners' if we don't appear on the piste before lunch time!
Afraid we have a slow news week this week as the Editor is working almost (!) full time which is a shame really with all the lovely snow we have.
The four of us are very well although there appears to be a 'cold' going around the staff at Shaun's work so fingers crossed it doesn't come our way.
Harley and Phantom are spending most of their time in the house during the cold weather we have at the moment. They are 8 months old now and almost fully grown. Here they are asleep on the mat at the patio doors. We are not quite sure what is happening with their feet!

That is our short news for the moment, hope you enjoy the rest of your week and weekend. We look forward to hearing from you soon.
Love Rachael, Shaun, Phantom (the grey cat) and Harley (the ginger)