Sunday, June 8, 2008

Sunday Afternoon Road Trip

Today we headed out on a Sunday afternoon road trip as the weather here in Nelson was quite changeable. We found ourselves taking the road to Slocan Lake which lies North West of Nelson. As you can see from the pictures the scenary was pretty spectacular. The mountains in the photo are the Valhalla range still topped with snow. The peaks you can see include New Denver Glacier(2,758 metres) Devil’s Couch (2,667 metres) and Hela Peak (2,717 metres).
Many of the properties on the Lake shore can only be reached by boat as can many of the hikes in the area. There are many public landings so all you need is a boat!
We then headed East back towards Kaslo where we have previously taken you for the Logger Festival a couple of weeks ago, where we discovered a lovely coffee shop that served the biggest pieces of homemade chocolate cake that we had ever seen. We obviously had to try out the cakes then we drove back to Nelson via Fletcher Creek.
Fletcher Creek is on the banks of the Kootenay Lake and last time we visited was around November time. We had heard that the falls were particularly spectacular during the snow melt, so we decided to go for a look and as you can see from the picture we were not disappointed.

We enjoyed being tourists for the afternoon and arrived home feeling pretty tired only to find that the kittens had also had a really busy afternoon too!
Rachael, Shaun, Harley & Phantom