Sunday, June 15, 2008

Pilot's Bay (again!)


This week we have been mostly working which is a shame really. However, today we have indulged one of Shaun's favourite day trips - we went on the Kootenay Lake ferry across to Pilot's Bay where we had a walk out to Boomer's Landing which is a beautiful remote stoney beach. We took some pictures to share with you.In the picture below our Photo Editor was trying to create the illusion of an X-file in the Kootenay's but don't panic it is not a UFO is actually a pebble!

The weather here in the Kootenay's is back to usual Summer levels and today we have seen 26 degrees Celcius with 30 predicted for tomorrow - here comes Summer 2008!

We can't believe that we have nearly been over here for a year - we shall be celebrating our 1st Canadian Anniversary with a trip out of the valley back to Vancouver as Rachael needs to go to the University there to sort out various bits for her Professional qualifications and we decided to include a bit of a vacation up to Whistler in with the journey.

Here is one of the iris' we have in the front garden.

Next weeks blog will come live from Vancouver and whilst our Editor spends time at the University our Photo Editor will be out and about taking some images to share with you.

Catch up soon

Rachael, Shaun, Phantom and Harley Davidson
