Monday, November 12, 2007

Happy 50th Birthday - Big Orange Bridge

This week the Nelson Bridge or Big Orange Bridge (BOB) celebrated its 50th birthday. It was opened on 7th November 1957. The Mayor of Nelson recreated the opening of the bridge and from an article in our local paper reported that after the ribbon was cut by the Mayor the Kootenay Lake Vintage Car Club drove over the bridge escorted by Nelson City Police in cars from the period. Apparently over 4000 cars crossed the bridge on the day it opened. In the 1950's the bridge cost $4million and took about two years to build. It was originally silver in colour has three trusses and 15 steel girders. There were also toll booths as the crossing cost 50 cents for a one way trip, today the use of the bridge is free.
The first picture shows BOB from Lakeside park and the second shows it from the boat launch at the park.

Rachael has just returned from a weekend conference in Kelowna which is about 4 hours north west from Nelson. It was an Optometry conference which was held in a really smart 5 star hotel.
The highlights of the trip were the wine tasting evening that was hosted by ten of the local Okanagan wineries, the luxury hotel and the four course dinner dance we had on Saturday night. Oh and I guess I learnt a bit more about optometry too!
Today has been a Bank Holiday for us here in Canada for Remembrance Day. We get a Bank Holiday every month except for February apparently.

The weather has turned finally, after beautiful sunny Autumn days we have had a whole day of rain. But the positive side of this is that we have snow on the tops of the mountains and the ski slope is starting to get a good covering.
The local forecasters have said that the snow will come to town in the third week of this month.
It has been a slow news week this week but we have been busy at our night classes and badminton club.
That is all for this week - we hope you enjoy reading the blog and we always look forward to hearing from you.
Love Rachael, Shaun, Phantom & Harley