Sunday, November 18, 2007

Fletcher Creek and Flurries

The news of the week is that we have had SNOW. It started on Wednesday night as a flurry then appeared to be getting in to a blizzard, then we woke up on Thursday and it had all gone!
Here is a quick snap we took of our back yard from the deck. Locals seem to think that the snow is on its way next week and apparently there is already a base of 80cm at the ski hill car park. We have got a ski and snowboard carrier for the truck.

Some exciting news we have received from England - Rachael's mum has had a photograph published on the BBC Look North website. Well done - famous landscape photographer in the making - check out the picture here - Derwent Dams by Helen Hill.

We met up with a couple of our friends for an early breakfast & coffee yesterday and went out for a hike where only the locals seem to know. It was on the way to Kaslo heading north on the Kootenay Lake to a location called Fletcher Creek. It was a beautiful hideaway place with a beach and a lovely waterfall. In the spring time the snow melt makes the waterfall swell - so we shall go back then to take another picture for you. It is not very often we get chance to have a picture taken together so we thought we would post this one for you.

We came across a funny story in our local paper which we thought you might like to hear about.
It was reported that two City of Nelson Police stopped a car in town on a Saturday night as they suspected they were driving under the influence of either liquor or drugs. The driver was handcuffed and put in the back of the police cruiser for questioning a bit later. The police then decided to investigate the car and passenger. Whilst this was underway, the arrested man in the back of the police car managed to clamber through the small hatch from the rear of the car into the drivers seat and steal the police car, of course, whilst remaining firmly handcuffed. Harry Houdini would've been proud of this dude. Presumably all of this happened in true Police Squad style. It was reported that the police car and new driver were recovered shortly afterwards. It could only happen in Nelson! This was a big news story as there is so little crime here, people leave their doors open, leave bikes, canoes, power tools unlocked in their gardens. They leave cars unlocked, with windows open and belongings left on the seats. Needless to say we can't bring ourselves to adopt this haphazard approach to security.
This week is going to be a busy one again, Shaun is finishing off some more of his pottery creations ready to be glazed and Rachael is finishing off her jewellery projects so we shall take some pictures to share with you when we have our finished products.
We also have tickets for the Banff Film Festival which is a three day event coming to Nelson on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. At the moment the titles of the films haven't been released but we have been told to expect some films on hiking, climbing, paddling and various other adrenalin-fuelled activities - we shall let you know next week what was on.

We hope you enjoy this weeks news and as always we look forward to hearing from you soon. Feel free to let us know if there is anything you would like us to post or tell you about in future blog posts?
Love Rachael, Shaun, Phantom & Harley

PS. Just a quick message for The Foster Clan - your email address is still returning our emails, not sure if there is a problem your end - please let us know if you have an alternative email address.