Sunday, August 10, 2008

Just Like Carry On Camping

The blog is a little late this week as we have spent the weekend on a camping trip. We decided that our little two man mountaineering tent was just too cozy to try and fit not only two humans but also one 47lb dog in comfortably so we had bought ourselves a new tent. The new tent is a 4 man tent and has a porch which is ideal for a dog to sleep in. Not knowing how Oscar would get on we just went for one night and he was very well behaved even when we got rain, thunder and lightning!
Harley and Phantom stayed at home to look after the house but all three animals were really excited to see each other when we got home, although the cats were possibly thinking "oh no, they brought that big smelly creature back too". We caught Oscar trying to lick Harley which did not go down too well the look on Harley's face was funny "Now I am going to have to groom this dog saliva off my lovely ginger coat -yuck".

Here are some pictures we took at the weekend. Rachael and Oscar in Nakusp, just going for a coffee.

Shaun and Oscar at the Lake.

Nakusp is a lovely little town which is about 2 hours north of Nelson and sits on the Arrow Lake. If you click this link you will be able to see a map.According to the Nakusp website, 3000-5000 years ago three main Indian tribes came into this area - the Shuswap from the Okanagan, the SolvilIe from Washington and Kutenai from the East Kootenay.
The first white settlers arrived in 1890 following stories of the Gold Rush and mining. There are some old photos on the website. Nakusp today has some remaining logging companies however, much like Nelson, tourism is still booming due to the beautiful location of the town, the hot springs, the Lake and mountains. There is also a beautiful flower garden which has been donated and maintained by a local couple where our Photo Editor couldn't resist taking some pictures!

On Sunday on our way home we came back through Kaslo which is on Kootenay Lake about an hour north of Nelson where we have previously covered the Logger Festival on the blog. Kaslo is one of our most favourite places as there is nothing happening but always something to do, even if it is just having a picnic on the beach!

So after our wet camping trip we now have our tent up in the garage drying out but the rain has stopped and we are back to warm temperatures of about 25 degrees Celcius. Nice but not too hot for us humans, cats and dog.

That is all for this week, keep in touch.

Rachael, Shaun, Harley, Phantom and Oscar
