Monday, September 6, 2010

Whitelock Gables - Ground Breaking News

Welcome to the new blog and the start of our new project. We are building a timber framed home set on 10 acres of forest just 10 minutes out of Nelson in beautiful British Columbia. Over the next twelve months we shall chronicle the project for you mainly in photos so you can see our progress. It has taken a number of months to decide where to situate the house but we have now chosen a spot which is South facing and takes advantage of a great view.
The first photo was taken in early July when we had marked out a rough area with pink tape where the house would sit.
This photo is just below the house site where our excavator started removing trees for our view. We were pleased to discover that we get a lake view, Slocan Pond.

This is the start of our log pile. By the time our excavator guy had finished we had enough wood for our new wood stove to keep us going for at least five years!
Here is the site after 3 days of clearing trees.
This is the line that was cut through the trees for us to be able to get power from our neighbours power pole.
A photo of the excavator moving around dirt for the start of the leveling process.
This is our very own power pole awaiting hook up.
We had a few deliveries of rock so our excavator guy could build us a retaining wall for behind the house.
This is Shaun on the newly constructed driveway - most certainly F150 compatible, not so sure about the other car....
The start of the rock wall.
The trench for the underground power cables.
We found bedrock, but our guy chipped away and re-routed slightly and all was good.
Tech cable and conduit ready for telecoms.
The temporary power panel and homemade box.
The site ready for the foundation crews, this is our rock wall and if you look closely you can see our white garden seat with Rachael stood to the right as you look at the photo. That gives you a scale.