Saturday, June 27, 2009

Oh Canada - it's Canada Day!

This week we shall be celebrating Canada Day on the 1st July so here are a few quiz questions for budding immigrants to test your knowledge of Canada, these questions appeared in one of our local papers this week - The Nelson Star:

1. What are Canada's two national sports?
A. Ice Hockey, Basketball
B. Baseball, Tennis
C. Basketball, Lacrosse
D. Lacrosse, Ice Hockey

2. How many lakes are there in Canada?
A. Unknown
B. 500 thousand
C. 1 million
D. 5 million

3. Who was the first Prime Minister of Canada?
A. Alexander Mackenzie
B. John A. MacDonald
C. Louis Riel
D. Wilfred Laurier

4. Canada has two national symbols - what are they?
A. Beaver & Maple Leaf
B. Maple Leaf & Moose
C. Beaver & Grizzly Bear
D. Moose & Salmon

5. Canada has the longest covered bridge in the world (1282 feet long). Where is it located?
A. West Montrose, ON
B. La Sarre, QE
C. Gold River, BC
D. Hartland, NB

6. Andrew Bonar Law was the only Canadian ever to do what?
A. Win the Indianapolis 500
B. Serve as Prime Minister of Great Britain
C. Board the MIR space station
D. Win the Tour de France

7. How many National Parks are there in Canada?
A. 84
B. 25
C. 40
D. 60

8. How many time zones are there in Canada?
A. 6
B. 8
C. 4
D. 5

9. Which Province has the largest concentration of moose?
A. Alberta
B. British Columbia
C. Newfoundland
D. Quebec

10. When was "Oh Canada" proclaimed as Canada's national anthem?
A. 1870
B. 1935
C. 1980
D. 1999

How did you do?
Answers: 1.D; 2. A; 3. B; 4. A; 5. D; 6. B; 7. C; 8. A; 9. C; 10. C

On our travels this month we decided to come back from Calgary Airport to the Kootenays the scenic route. We spent a night in Banff then travelled up to Lake Louise. Whilst we were passing through we couldn't resist going to check out the ski hill to see what it looks like in Summer.

Here is a photo from the main lodge, those of you who have spent many a great day skiing there will hopefully recognise the bottom of Wiwaxy.

Below we have a photo of Clive our truck at the top of Roger's Pass just before heading down into Revelstoke. The guy on the photo is actually crossing the road not stood on Clive's bonnet!
Here is a photo of the ferry on the Upper Arrow Lake just South of Revelstoke as we were waiting at Shelter Bay on our way to Galena Bay to drive home to Nelson. The ferry takes about 20 minutes and is free of charge. There are some beautiful views down the Lake as you cross. If you go back in blog time to the posting from January 2009 you will see two photos of this Lake with ice!We are pleased to announce that we have the final instalment of Rachael's transfer requirements to be a Registered Dietitian in BC. After a day of final exams in May which involved two three hour exams of 21o questions in total and a six week wait for the results we are pleased to report that she has passed and is now an RD in BC, practicing on a full licence. Rachael is working at Kootenay Lake Hospital in Nelson.