Sunday, November 16, 2008

Sprinting Towards The Snow

Autumn is almost over and we are heading very quickly towards receiving our first snow. There is already snow at our ski hill, 54cm (21.3") has fallen this season to date. We are expecting our first trip to the hill to be the second weekend in December.
We are still managing to commute to work on our bikes which is admittedly a bit cold in the mornings, but it certainly wakes us up.
There hasn't been much happening over here this month but we have been to the annual pumpkin carving party at one of our friends houses. Here is a picture of this years pumpkin which is a 'free format' design of a face.
Shaun also dressed up for the office Halloween fancy dress competition. You will see that he is a wizard. Missing from the photo is his wizards staff - which never actually made its way back home from the office so I dread to think what they are using it for!
Halloween here is a huge event for kids but unfortunately it was raining so we only got about 10 little trick or treaters at the door. The best one was dressed up as Darth Vadar and had a bucket thing on his head, he was a very polite Darth Vadar as when he took his candies from my selection bowl he said "thank you very much, happy Halloween" cute.
All the animals chez Davidson are doing well. Harley has taken to sitting on the back of the sofa whilst we watch the TV and likes to groom my hair - strange little creature.
Oscar is always busy following Phantom everywhere he goes. Oscar has just completed his obedience training and will now do anything for a treat. I am currently weaning him off food rewards and giving what our trainer calls 'life rewards' like a chin tickle or a game in the garden for doing well, otherwise he is going to be a HUGE puppy.
We had an animal weigh in the other day and here are the results:
Harley 5kg
Phantom 5.5kg
Oscar 27kg
The funniest thing we learnt at the training sessions was around dog health and how to brush your dogs teeth. Often dogs can be a bit resistant to this activity apparently but Oscar was quite happy to get poultry flavoured dog toothpaste all over his teeth (and lips) then spent 15 minutes licking it all off with his huge wet tongue. Very funny.
That is all for now. See you in December.
Rachael, Shaun, Harley, Phantom and Oscar